New Jersey Moderate Party 2023 Plans

New Jersey Moderate Party 2023 Plans

Dear Friends and Supporters:

Like you, the New Jersey Moderate Party is disappointed that our efforts to get Congressman Tom Malinowski re-elected this year did not produce the outcome we had hoped for.  Notwithstanding our disappointment, we are committed to advancing the values that motivated us to form the NJMP.

To that end, we would like to share our initial thinking and plans on what comes next. Needless to say, we welcome your input and involvement.

The need for a new political party that promotes civility, coalition, compromise and the rule of law remains essential in America, and the NJMP is proud to lead the way in New Jersey.

As you know, we are challenging in court the New Jersey election laws that prohibit “fusion” voting in the state. We are hopeful that the court will recognize the validity of our arguments, and will revive fusion voting in our state.

In the meantime, the November 2023 election will see elections for all 120 members of the New Jersey Legislature and for hundreds of county, local, and board of education positions. Even though we likely will not know the outcome of our court case until well into next year, the NJMP intends to continue its mission of nominating and supporting candidates who share our values.

Over the next few months, the NJMP plans on doing the following (and again, we welcome suggestions):

  • January/February: Create and distribute a questionnaire for use by candidates who seek the NJMP’s nomination or support
  • March/April: Review the completed questionnaires and screen candidates in targeted races.  If you know any candidates you believe would be good standard-bearers for the NJMP, please let us know.
  • May/June: Gather signatures for the candidates we are nominating.
  • July/August: Celebrate (we hope!) a positive ruling from the court that reinstates fusion voting in New Jersey.

As a reminder, the NJMP is not seeking candidates to run solely as NJMP candidates.  In America’s political system, third parties that run “stand-alone” candidates do not gain traction and often are counter-productive.  Instead, the NJMP will nominate candidates who have a plausible chance to win because they also have the backing of one of the major parties.  We will nominate these candidates under our own NJ Moderate Party banner, to both help them win AND hold them accountable to the values and issues we believe are most important.

Voter registration data reveal a tremendous number of unaffiliated voters on our state’s voter rolls. Recent public opinion surveys suggest that a substantial majority of these voters, across all demographic groupings, support an alternative to the current two-party duopoly in which voters, in order to support a competitive candidate, must also support one of the two major parties. A different approach is needed.

For further information, or to provide comments regarding the NJMP, please write to

Thank you for supporting the NJMP.